Chiropractic Care

As a health profession, chiropractic care assists in the diagnosis, management and prevention of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system and the effects of these disorders on the function of the nervous system and general health. As primary healthcare providers, we keep well informed and up to date on all new relevant research to assist us to provide best care practices for each individual patient (1).

Our clinic aims to care for all individuals, from infants to the elderly, who suffer from any form of mechanical-based disorders. With additional diplomas, Masters Programs and continued education undertaken by our Chiropractic Team in areas of pregnancy, paediatrics, sports, rehabilitation and nutrition, we will surely be able to assist in near on all issues you may have!

Treatment Techniques

We utilise a range of treatment techniques to cater for the individual needs of all our patients including but not limited to:

Various soft tissue therapies also utilised within the clinic include:

Do You Need A Referral?

Patients seeking chiropractic care do not need a referral from their GP, allowing all treatments to be easily accessible to all. With a fabulous network of medical and allied health practitioners within the region your condition may be co-managed to assist in treating your issue with a well-rounded care program.

Our clinic is an established and trusted provider for various Medicare and Insurance² based programs. In these instances, a valid GP referral must be obtained: 

Please discuss with your GP if you qualify for the above programs.

1. WFC Dictionary Definition World Federation of Chiropractic, 2001.

2. Upfront payment for all Insurance based claims is required, unless formally approved by company director. Proof of claim and all required documentation must be provided at initial consult. All clinical documentation will be provided to assist in making your claims.